Functional Medicine Doctors Of Ramsey NJ

We provide medical care as applied to patients with:

Helping Chronic Gut – Thyroid-Diabetes-Fatigue Sufferers!

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and not getting the answers you need. Watch our videos or better yet come in for a same day consultation and evaluation and receive answers on how to once and for all get your life back!

Most Insurance Plans Accepted.

Among multiple drug-free ways to address and help your symptoms, we usually recommend and provide nutritional supplementation which is designed to support overall health, your body function and well-being and not to treat or cure any medical illness, disease, or condition.

Call us now at 201-632-1900 and we will see you today!


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Curtis Sliwa From Guardian Angels Visiting MedWell

8 Reasons Why You Are Still Suffering With Symptoms of Your Thyroid, Chronic Fatigue, Sleep Difficulty, Low Libido, Memory Loss, Anxiety or depressive Condition:

Do you wonder why, even though you are on thyroid or other medication, you still suffer from all of the symptoms of your thyroid condition? Or maybe initially you felt better on your thyroid medication until all the symptoms started to come back? Here are eight reasons why you are still suffering…

  1. The cause of your chronic condition could be coming from your gut. Food sesitivity and toxicity causes massive inflammation without you knowing about it. The only way to know is to get tested. Everybody knows about TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) “My doctor says my TSH is too high.” “My doctor said my TSH is too low.” TSH this and TSH that-but are you aware that in order for TSH to be released from the brain you need adequate amounts of two very important neurotransmitters Serotonin and Dopamine? And guess where these are made? The gut! So, bad gut= bad thyroid.
  2. The cause of your chronic problem could be coming from your adrenal glands. These are your stress glands. When they are overtaxed they emit, in high amounts, a hormone called cortisol. High Cortisol is the arch-enemy to your thyroid function.
  3. The cause of your chronic problem is a faulty immune system. The number one reason for under-active thyroid is a condition in which your immune system is mistakenly attacking the gland. This is called Hashimotos thyroiditis. It is estimated that 70-80% of thyroid patients have this but few know it because the doctor doesn’t check for it.
  4. Most doctors look at T4 as the main hormone when in actuality T3 is the active form of the hormone! Most doctors don’t even check for T3 on the blood work.
  5. Most hormone replacement medications like Synthroid and levothyroxine are NOT T3 but are T4 and your doctor is assuming it gets converted to T3 in the body. This isn’t always the case.
  6. Estrogen dominance is something that almost all women suffer from for many reasons. When there is not enough progesterone in the body to balance your estrogen, your thyroid will not function properly.
  7. Doctors always follow lab ranges. Lab ranges are determined by who has been to the lab in the last year. What kind of people go to labs sick or healthy? Sick for the most part. When your doctor is making a determination on whether you have a problem or not he or she is comparing you to the average sick American. That’s crazy! We use functional ranges in which health exists. This is why so many are told they are OK when they really are not OK.
  8. The medical approach to the thyroid dilemma is over simplistic. It looks at only one piece of the puzzle. It is a model that has not changed since 1961. In all my years of practice, I have not seen one endocrinologist check for any of the things mentioned above.

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

If you are suffering from chronic thyroiditis, hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or autoimmune thyroid condition you may be helped with natural supplements, neurofeedback and remedies and healing can start immediately especially adrenal gland and cortisol imbalance with natural bioidentical hormones for menopause and hot flashes. Andropause and testosterone deficiency may also be tested for assessment and prescription. Our medical physicians and a team of anti-aging doctors in Bergen county northern New Jersey have helped many patients with attention deficit, ADD, memory loss, anxiety, depression, sleep difficulty, low sex drive, low libido and low energy.

Physician Consultation and Evaluation

Medical doctor’s consultation and evaluation are necessary for assessment prior to proving bioidentical natural hormone creams. Brain balance and neurologist recommended exercises are effective in most cases with helping brain balance and activity for adults and children. Insomnia and Restless legs doctors throughout Bergen County, Passaic County, and northern New Jersey area are a handful. Usually, a doctor with functional medicine and functional endocrinologist may be necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Hypothyroid symptoms or autoimmune thyroid conditions do not necessarily require synthetic medication for thyroid recovery hair loss or chronic tiredness. Our individualized and customized blood test, food sensitivity, parasite and virus testing, and complete body scan assessment are geared towards natural treatment of our northern NJ patients. In many cases, our doctors provide nutritional supplementation. The recommended natural products are designed to support overall health, your body function and well-being and not to treat or cure any medical illness, disease, or condition.

LOOK YOUNGER – FEEL BETTER – SLEEP BETTER from MedWell Spine & Neuropathy.

This Report is a medical product as part of medical treatment. Prior to using the natural creams you must be medically cleared. This report is for information only. For more information you may call the office and set up an appointment with one of our medical doctors. Photo Depicts Ali Mazandarani, DAAIM, DC, CCRD, CCPCP.

Bergen & Passaic Sheriff Law Enforcement


M. T. SHAHAB, M.D. L.F.A.C.O.G., F.A.S.A.S.

For more than fifteen years, under the direction of M.T. Shahab, MD, MedWell has been committed to treating the symptoms that have plagued so many patients. Dr. Shahab is a true diagnostician who prides himself on finding the “true cause” and “non-surgical” approach to various conditions.

Dr. Ali Mazandarani DAAIM, DC, CCRD, CCPCP

Dr. Mazandarani is amongst a select group of doctors who participate in an annual fitness conference directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The New Jersey Senate has acknowledged Dr. Maz and considers him a “model figure to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive”. (Read More)