Tired Of Knee Pain?

Explore Your NON-SURGICAL ORTHOPEDIC Options Even If You Are “BONE ON BONE”!

Knee pain, arthritis, and neuropathy can be severe and can lead to immobility and the inability to enjoy all that life has to offer. BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY! Our proven treatment programs offer incredible pain relief without the use of drugs or surgery. Our integrated one-on-one approach can bring remarkable pain relief.

Most Insurance Plans Accepted.

Have you tried any of these pain relief treatments only to have them not work?





Non-Surgical Orthopedic Knee Pain Relief in Bergen County

Call us now at 201-632-1900 and we will see you today!

As Seen On

My name is M.T. Shahab, M.D. The knee joint is one part of the body that is particularly vulnerable to pain, and even damage, especially considering that it supports the full mass of your body when you jump, walk or run.

This is why if you are a victim of knee pain, it is recommended that you know your alternatives before seeing an orthopedic surgeon. We can help you determine the exact cause of the pain and prescribe an appropriate non-surgical treatment and pain management plan so you can avoid surgery.

Knee pain treatment is often very complicated considering the complexity of the natural structure of the knee joints. There are two primary goals of treatment- to relieve pain and restore function.


Curtis Sliwa From Guardian Angels Visiting MedWell

Our knees are essential for movement, stability, balance, and even sitting. They are complex in structure and we rely on them so much that we rarely think about them consciously until something goes wrong with them. Whether it is from an injury, age or genetic ailments such as arthritis or obesity, once our knees start giving us trouble, pain from these troubles can become unbearable. Sometimes our knees just wear themselves out. This of course cuts down on productivity and leisurely activities, and can make every-day tasks complicated and difficult.

It might be surprising, but knee problems appear in virtually all ages and are also quite common. Symptoms of different knee problems vary with each type. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage will wear away over time and the adjacent bone may experience changes. It generally affects people 50 or older, but can also occur in younger people after an injury has occurred.

Younger people may experience problems with rheumatoid arthritis and is an autoimmune disease. The immune system literally attacks the synovium, which is the membrane that lines the joint. It causes inflammation and can even go so far as destroying the cartilage and bone. These are just two examples of how disease can make changes in the knee, which cause such pain.

Because of the makeup of the knee joint, treatment for pain can also be complicated. Fortunately, the most up-to-date knee pain treatment is available at MedWell Spine, OsteoArthritis & Neuropathy Center, which can provide optimum recovery. With the very recent advent of Synvisc/Hyalgan injections, a person can be relieved from suffering knee pain.

When & How to Reach Out:

If you are in need of treatment, call us today for an appointment. Knee pain injections are the best way to achieve comfort. This is superior to cortisone shots, which can cause osteonecrosis, infection, nerve-damage, and weakening or rupturing of tendons, among other things. There are also a limited amount of times a person can receive cortisone shots in a year and the relief from pain may not last long enough to make it to the next shot. Surgery is also something with high risks, infection of course being one of them, and scarring. Not to mention the length of time it takes to heal from surgery and the pain and medications that come with it.

Synvisc/Hyalgan injections are a safe, drug-free treatment and are usually covered by insurance. Call for an appointment to see one of the doctors on our elite medical team. We also have compassionate physical therapists to help you strengthen your joints and minimize pain. Together, our team will offer you unique, transformational, and revolutionary treatment

Knee Pain Treatment and Knee Pain Management

MedWell, LLC specializes in the treatment and management of knee pain, as well as the restoration of function. We are dedicated to ensuring that our patients receive the best possible results.

We use modern treatment methods not only to help relieve pain, but also improve the future for the injured patients.

The most effective method of treatment that we use is the Synvisc/Hyalgan injection (or viscosupplementation therapy), especially in patients who have failed to show adequate response to conservative non-pharmacologic therapy and simple analgesics such as acetaminophen.

Causes of Knee Pain

The main reason why we suffer from knee pain is because we rely heavily on our knee joints to go about our daily chores. Now, within the joints of the body is a natural gel-like substance known as Hyaluronan, which serves as the lubricant to enable the joints move smoothly and as a shock absorber (or cushion) for joint loads.

It exists within the synovial (joint) fluid in the form of hyaluronic acid. Due to aging, joint inflammation (osteoarthritis), sudden injury, and/or genetic predisposition, the hyaluronan content within the joints considerably decreases causing our knees to wear out. From there, we start to experience pain.

Synvisc / Hyalgan Knee Pain Injections

The Synvisc/ Hyalgan Knee pain injections contain the hyaluronan liquid derived from the chicken combs. During the injection, the hyaluronan is distributed throughout the epithelial, connective, and neural tissues of the knee joints by our highly-skilled physicians. The single-dose treatment is an alternative to what a traditional orthopedic doctor would prescribe often provides great relief to patients.

The side effects after a Synvisc/ Hyalgan injection include: pain, heat, swelling, and/or redness. Do not hesitate to inform your doctor of any side effects after treatment. It is also necessary that you talk to your doctor before resuming strenuous activities after the injection.

If you are a victim of knee pain and you are not responding well to non-surgical treatment options, or if you are trying to avoid surgery, then visit us at MedWell, LLC. Synvisc/Hyalgan injections, in addition to a number of rehabilitative procedures that will help you overcome your pain, are available.

Request Your Appointment Today!

Are you living within Bergen County, New Jersey? Then call today to talk to the highly skilled and experienced specialists and/or schedule an appointment.

To schedule an appointment for a consultation to see if you are a candidate for this breakthrough procedure, give us a call at (201) 632-1900 today!

M. T. SHAHAB, M.D. L.F.A.C.O.G., F.A.S.A.S.

For more than fifteen years, under the direction of M.T. Shahab, MD, MedWell has been committed to treating the symptoms that have plagued so many patients. Dr. Shahab is a true diagnostician who prides himself on finding the “true cause” and “non-surgical” approach to various conditions.

Dr. Ali Mazandarani DAAIM, DC, CCRD, CCPCP

Dr. Mazandarani is amongst a select group of doctors who participate in an annual fitness conference directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The New Jersey Senate has acknowledged Dr. Maz and considers him a “model figure to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive”. (Read More)