Leave with the results – 30 minutes! Covered By Most Insurance Plans! Work-School-Family Clearance!

COVID RAPID FAST SWAB TEST BERGEN COUNTY NEAR RIDGEWOOD HACKENSACK PARAMUS RAMSEY MAHWAH FAIR LAWN 201-632-1916 Medwell Family Medicine. All know the 2nd wave is coming (think you have not been exposed) Good news RAPID Antigen and Antibody COVID testing It takes 30 minutes: This comprehensive panel includes: A, b. c. Why C. ( what you introduce to your body does not recognize it, you depress your immune system) AD 1 panel of test. 3 parts. We do NOT break it down. We are very thorough here. Non Symptomatic patients Very excited to be able to provide to our patients Immunotherapy: Vitamin Boosters-Immune Booster – Vit B Complex- Vit C boosters… Energy, ability to sleep – feel less fatigued and best of all start revitalizing. Testosterone – HRT Leave with the results in 30 minutes. Your Ins covers 100% of the cost of Covid Antigen and antibody test. Mandated by Federal government. There is no copay or out pocket for the COVID antigen and antibody test. This panel is only available for rest of 2020. We get limited amount of kits every week Because we do Rapid Testing. 1st come 1 serve. By Appt only. When appt kit aside for you. Lets get tested and be safe. Call 201-632-1900