PRP Blood Facial And Organic Facelift Of Bergen County NJ

PRP Services We Offer

*DISCLAIMER: Free consultation will be performed by a non-licensed provider with zero value for educational purposes only. Free consultation offer excludes all other services such as doctor’s consultation, medical examination, diagnostics, therapy, prescription medications, and all other services. Up to a $2000.00 value. You may or may not qualify for the program.

The Benefits

What is PRP?

Blood is composed of many components: red cells, white cells and platelets. Platelets contain proteins called growth factors which stimulate healing by recruiting stem cells and other agents to a particular area of the body. When platelets are concentrated in this manner it’s referred to as platelet rich plasma, or PRP

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Curtis Sliwa From Guardian Angels Visiting MedWell


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is perfect for fine lines and wrinkles. Facial wrinkles, sun damage, and thinning skin are responsible for the majority of loss of collagen and elastin. Microneedling can improve these conditions by producing natural collagen and elastin. By adding the PRP with Microneedling it significantly boosts the results with the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and scars.

What is PRP Facial?

The provider isolates platelet rich plasma (PRP) growth factors from the patient’s own blood. This is commonly known liquid gold“. The provider uses micro-needling technology driving growth factors into the skin, and thus tightening the skin by increasing production of collagen.

What is Organic Facelift?

The PRP FACELIFT procedure begins with a consultation with one of our qualified trained clinicians.

The provider will assess what area of the face needs the filler to be injected for you to receive optimal results.

A simple blood draw from your arm will be performed. Then the blood is spun using a state-of-the-art computerized centrifuge in order to isolate the platelet rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is also known as “Liquid Gold”.

Next, the provider uses an appropriate filler to add volume and natural collagen to your face.

This procedure takes approximately 10 minutes.

Finally, your provider will inject PRP into the face, so the body’s own healing process triggers the regrowth of new tissue and blood flow to recreate your younger self. Though bruising can occur, most will see a younger, natural appearing face that day!

What is PRP For Penis Enlargement?

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What is PRP Erectile Dysfunction?

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What is PRP For Hair Loss & Hair Restoration?

Androgenetic Alopecia or common male pattern baldness (MPB) accountsfor more than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of 50 approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. – American Hair Loss Association

Although often overlooked, women make up 40% of the American hair loss sufferers. Women are possibly more devastated by hair loss and balding in that thinning, balding hair is more socially acceptable for men. Both groups create a great opportunity for PRP hair restoration. PRP Micro Needling and injections are both employed when treating hair loss.

M. T. SHAHAB, M.D. L.F.A.C.O.G., F.A.S.A.S.

For more than fifteen years, under the direction of M.T. Shahab, MD, MedWell has been committed to treating the symptoms that have plagued so many patients. Dr. Shahab is a true diagnostician who prides himself on finding the “true cause” and “non-surgical” approach to various conditions.

Dr. Ali Mazandarani DAAIM, DC, CCRD, CCPCP

Dr. Mazandarani is amongst a select group of doctors who participate in an annual fitness conference directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The New Jersey Senate has acknowledged Dr. Maz and considers him a “model figure to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive”. (Read More)