O Shot PRP Certified Treatment Doctor Orgasm Shot of Bergen County NJ

Healing Starts Immediately:

The results of this safe, non-surgical 20-minute procedure are dramatic and long lasting. Women report significant improvement in stimulation, sensitivity, arousal, and sex drive. Problems related to leaky bladders often resolve.


Anyone with the desire to boost their sex life. Women both on and off hormone replacement therapy can usually benefit from the O-Shot procedure.

Although each woman’s *experience varies, benefits of the O-Shot® include:

Most Insurance Plans Accepted.


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Who Can Benefit From the O-Shot®?

If you are a woman who suffers from sexual issues such as low desire, inability to achieve an orgasm, or urinary incontinence, you know how frustrating these issues can be. Most women are embarrassed or nervous to speak with their physician or gynecologist about such matters, and many doctors don’t have much to say on these important issues. In fact, up until very recently, there were very few ways to deal with these female concerns aside from prescribing hormones or suggesting psychotherapy.Now there is a new treatment called the Orgasm Shot®, or O-Shot®, that not only offers hope for these conditions, but can also be administered during a simple, pretty comfortable in-office procedure.

How Does This Procedure Work?

First, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm. Using a centrifuge, one of our doctors isolates platelets from that blood (platelet rich plasma, or PRP), all within about 15 minutes in the office. The platelets are then “activated” to release at least eight growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue. These growth factors work like magic to cause increased collagen and new blood flow.

After numbing cream is applied to the vaginal area, the doctor uses a small needle to carefully and gently place precise amounts of PRP in the structures responsible for the female orgasm and pleasure. Patients report that they feel no pain during this procedure!

The healing and growth factors cause new cell growth and vascularization to occur over several months. Tissues become more supple, sensitive and elastic. They thicken and produce more lubrication when stimulated.

*Most women who have received these injections have experienced improvement in their sexual response and ability to hold their urine soon (hours to weeks) after the injections. Some have had profound and nearly immediate increases in their sensitivity, but most women note a more gradual response over several weeks, which can last many months to several years, before being repeated or amplified.

The O-Shot® is a simple, nonsurgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily augment and rejuvenate the Grafenberg spot (G-Spot), clitoris, and labia.The O-Shot® involves isolation of PRP (platelet rich plasma) followed by a very specific method of amplifying or augmenting the vaginal tissues with injection of that PRP.The method of isolating the PRP from the blood is an FDA approved process. Questions are answered during the patient’s first consultation

Expected Benefits of the O-Shot®

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  • Increased arousal from G-spot stimulation
  • Enhanced sexual desire
  • Ability to have a “vaginal orgasm”
  • Orgasm intensification
  • Relief from painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • More natural lubrication
  • Lessening of urinary incontinence
  • No allergic reactions (using your own body’s fluids)
  • Minimal pain (no burning from the PRFM, since it’s from your own body)



By simply having your blood drawn from your arm, we are able to separate out a concentrated amount of platelet rich plasma (PRP) through the use of a state-of-the-art computerized centrifuge.

After numbing, the PRP aka “Liquid Gold” is injected with a tiny needle similar to an acupuncture needle distributing the growth factors to the desired area. New, healthier tissue and improved blood circulation in the vagina will give you optimal results.




M. T. SHAHAB, M.D. L.F.A.C.O.G., F.A.S.A.S.

For more than fifteen years, under the direction of M.T. Shahab, MD, MedWell has been committed to treating the symptoms that have plagued so many patients. Dr. Shahab is a true diagnostician who prides himself on finding the “true cause” and “non-surgical” approach to various conditions.

Dr. Ali Mazandarani DAAIM, DC, CCRD, CCPCP

Dr. Mazandarani is amongst a select group of doctors who participate in an annual fitness conference directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The New Jersey Senate has acknowledged Dr. Maz and considers him a “model figure to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive”. (Read More)

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For more information or to see if you might be a candidate for these breakthrough treatment programs, search for more information on our site then give us a call to schedule an appointment for a same day consultation and help. Our team of doctors will assess you individually and formulate a diagnostic and specific treatment plan based on their areas of expertise and discipline. We have provided effective and long-lasting pain relief for thousands of patients in the following towns and municipalities: