Mahwah NJ
The most common form of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, is usually caused by several factors, including lifestyle and genetics. Individuals that are overweight, obese, or not physically active are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. How your body fat is distributed may also be linked to insulin resistance and type II diabetes.
Many patients that are diagnosed with diabetes may also have an underlying autoimmune disorder or some type of metabolic condition. The end result is that your body’s own immune system designed to keep you from getting sick can attack your own tissue and actually make you sick.
The diabetes experts at MedWell Clinic can properly diagnose your diabetic condition as well as the underlying causes and develop the appropriate treatment plan to help you manage your condition and have you feeling great again. Call us today to schedule your appointment.
I want to thank Dr. Ali Mazandarani for his big heart and generosity to wife and myself. We suffered a big loss and the program we were introduced to put us in a good physical well being which helped us move forward in our lives. The staff is exellent and knowledgeable about all phases of health
Dr. Ali and Shahab are a great team, and I consider them to be very knowledgeable and skilled. Additionally find them to have a positive bedside manner. The practice itself is super friendly, yet professional, and thankfully, extremely clean. What’s great about this practice is that they have a multitude of services: they carry a variety of great lasers and non surgical options. Dr. Ali, specifically I feel, has a keen eye for natural results. Thanks Dr. Ali!! Recommended in the highest regard!!
The staff at Medwell were amazing. They took so well care of me. Every staff member that had to examine me, took me with care. They explained every move that would be done for me and how it would be done. I would recommend this to anyone who needs to lose weight or has pain from head to toe.
The staff is excellent, and friendly. They Take care of your needs in a professional manner. Thanks ❤️
If you are diagnosed with Diabetes, you should read this carefully.
If you are diagnosed with a Diabetes, and are given Metformin or other medication for your diabetes to take for rest of your life, you should carefully read what I am about to say.
If you are diagnosed with this condition and do NOT want to take medication for rest of your life, you should grab a pen and a piece of paper to take notes. My name is M. T. Shahab, M.D. We are a team of multidisciplinary doctors who will assess you individually and formulate a diagnostic and specific plan of care to help our patients based on our areas of expertise and discipline.
You are about to hear some ground breaking, transformational knowledge which has helped hundreds of Diabetic patients successfully nationwide.
What if I told you that you may have been misdiagnosed, meaning there is another reason that is CAUSING your Type II Diabetes.
Majority of the patients that are diagnosed Diabetes have an underlying Auto-Immune disorder or a metabolic condition. That means that your own body’s immune system, which is supposed to keep you from getting sick, actually attacks your own tissue and makes you sick.
By identifying if you have an AI condition which most of us do and getting rid of our AI condition many of our patients get off insulin and reduce their Metformin levels. That is what we do. I am here to show you a way that you can lower your blood sugar. We do NOT change or eliminate your medication, your own PCP or doctor does as a result of our treatment.
Every cell in your body has glucose receptors. When you have Glucose problem EVERY FUNCTION in your body gets affected or slows down. Brain function, gut function, Thyroid function, liver function, feeling fatigued, sleep problem, can’t loose weight …..
#1 cause of kidney failure
60-70% cause of peripheral neuropathy and amputations
60-70% cause of sexual dysfunction
This is a chronic condition associated with an AI condition. That means your immune system wants to fight a condition and it can not and as a result it is attacking your organs. Most commonly your:
Your brain consumes only 20% of glucose in your body. All extra turns your brain brown- refined suger is neurotoxin, brain poison and killing your brain.. Formaldehyde.
We need to find out if you have Autoimmune condition. In other words we need to find out that what in your body is not working properly which is causing your immune system to react and cause your symptoms.
Because your immune system is attacking your Pancreas and your doctor keeps giving you medication for your pancreas to do its job. It will NOT work to fix the problem. If it did, you would not had to take medication any more.
AI condition must get fixed for your body to respond to other care. AI conditions trumps every other condition.
We may be able to help your Diabetes naturally without medication. BUT I DO NOT WANT YOU TO GET ME WRONG. I AM NOT HERE TO TELL YOU TO STOP OR CHANGE YOUR MEDICATION.
Your immune system is trying to kill something for a while and that is why you have a fluctuating sugar.
90% of Diabetec patients are autoimmune. Most of them have a hidden gut infection which was my case.
You can NOT drug yourself out of metabolic disorder or a AI condition, you can not take enough Drugs to fix metabolism disorder. There is no drugs that work for metabolic disorder.
All AI conditions are usually chronic and chronic conditions are caused by:
In some cases your immune system attacks your Adrenal gland. Adrenal Glands are on top of your kidneys. It produces cortisol. Cortisol attacks your Hypocampus and causes you not to be able to know how you got to a place.
Cortisol causes inability to sleep. Cortisol wraps in your pain fibers and keeps stimulating it.
Now if you take medication like Metformin (aka.Glucophage), that will not solve the problem and just masks your symptoms. The problem will not get fixed. We have to fix the source and not the symptoms.
Metformin could cause:
Do you know statistics shows that US has 5% of the population of the world but consumes 50% of drugs of the world?
What makes us different is that we help Diabetes metabolically and neurologically. WHY??
Because we do not label you with ‘’ Diabetes ” and give you medication. There is a reason that your pancreas is not FUNCTIONING properly and most of the times the reason is not the Pancreas.
There is a good chance that your doctor is treating the symptoms that you are having and not fixing you. Why I say that? Its because most Diabetic sufferers are prescribed medications that they need to take for their entire life. In this office our goal is to fix you and not your symptom.
You have these symptoms because you are a sick person and have a sick body.
Your sick body is making your symptoms. Your symptoms do not make your body sick.
This is an eye opening class. We do life changing care in 6 months.
I want you to ask this question from yourself: If I continue doing what I have been doing, or I am currently doing, will I be, better same or worse the next year or so?
Most likely the answer is no. If your current treatment would be for fixing your body, you would have been fixed by now.
The reason no one has fixed you, is because no one wants to fix your body, they want to fix your symptoms. Hundreds of our patients have been helped with our comprehensive approach to address chronic conditions. Among multiple drug free ways to address your symptoms, we usually recommend and provide nutritional supplementation which are designed to support overall health, your body function and well-being and not to treat or cure any medical illness, disease, or condition.
I have seen patients who were on 7 medications. They completed this treatment program and they do NOT take ANY more medication:
So ask yourself this:
If you are serious to correct it, you need to contact our office.
For more than fifteen years, under the direction of M.T. Shahab, MD, MedWell has been committed to treating the symptoms that have plagued so many patients. Dr. Shahab is a true diagnostician who prides himself on finding the “true cause” and “non-surgical” approach to various conditions.
Dr. Mazandarani is amongst a select group of doctors who participate in an annual fitness conference directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The New Jersey Senate has acknowledged Dr. Maz and considers him a “model figure to emulate and set a standard of excellence toward which others might strive”. (Read More)
DISCLAIMER: *Results vary. You must receive a consultation with a physician prior to starting care. All videos and information in the site have no clinical value and it is an opinion of the presenter. There is no promise of cure or feeling better. You may feel or become worse after treatment. Free Consultation will be provided only for educational purposes by a non-medical staff to answer general questions and review different therapies with zero clinical or dollar value. Medwell accepts most insurance plans including Medicare for direct billing. Medwell is an out of network office. Call us regarding any insurance questions and accepting or participation with your insurance.
100% satisfaction and money back guarantee only apply to initial laser pain relief treatment. Satisfaction and money back guarantee do not apply to any other service and excludes all medical services, physical evaluation and exam, therapy, chiropractic services, diagnostic testing, including x-rays. If you will not have less pain and more mobility after your first laser pain relief therapy, you need to let us know on your initial visit after receiving laser therapy prior to leaving the office, in writing and we will not charge you or any third party for laser therapy.
M. T. SHAHAB, M.D. L.F.A.C.O.G., F.A.S.A.S.
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